Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Random but Frank Confessions

I usually never do this, but in light of recent events, and a general life-is-too-short feeling that is overwhelming me, I want it to be known that:-

  • I have a pre-exam playlist-Yes, I listen to music when I am on my way to the exam centre. I also have a set playlist which consists of *drumroll*- Hit me Baby One More Time by Britney Spears, Glee's cover of Toxic (Spears again), Glee's version of What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger, When You're Gone by Bryan Adams and Set Fire to the Rain by Adele. Feel free to laugh.
  • I have a favorite song-It's Lady Gaga's You and I. I can't, for the life of me, put a finger to why I like this song. Maybe it's the lyrics or maybe it's just Gaga basking in her-being-her ness.
  • I have a pet project-The LGBTQ cause. Rainbows all the way. Expect a post on this soon.(And, no, I am not gay)
  • This might be slightly irrelevant but I think Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is the most overrated movie in the history of cinema. It just has too much beauty and not enough brain or brawn. And Benedict looks HORRIBLE with that haircut.
  • I find that I ALWAYS grin like an idiot at the computer screen when I am watching Sherlock. Yes, even when he is falling off a thirty-storey building and John is crying at his grave.

1 comment:

  1. I think you ought to mention Spoiler Alert, wrt the last bulletpoint.
    Some of us aren't obsessive cucumbers and would watch Sherlock at a more relaxed and not a madloriesque fanatical way.

